but mostly from myself, for not posting for so long.
OK, so it's been a long time since I posted. Great fasting blog, eh!? Dropped the ball on that one. But I can explain and I will : less than two weeks into my fast, my temp agency offered me a full-time assignment, which meant leaving the house at 7:50am and returning at about 6:30pm, by which time my landlord/housemate would already be on the internet or well into watching a film... preventing my internet access. And with weekends languishing at my boyfriends flat, the blogging didn't happen.
My laptop was also suffering the result of being a dirty stop-out, and had to be fixed by a friend, who erased most of the viruses it had picked up. Any post done until then would have been at an insufferably glacial pace.
Eid Al Fitr itself was not one of celebration for me, as I had that very day discovered the universal law of temping.... If Crap Happens, Blame The Temp!! I held my head high until the end of the day (despite the stab wound in my back), then slunk home to lick my wounds and float through the wave of feeling crappy that follows such a blow.
The Wednesday after this though, the whole day was spent at the awsome Bhaktivedanta Manor near Watford for the Radhastami festival..... which I hope to write up soon.
...And as a nod to the timely workings of the divine, whilst I was wandering in the woods on the Manor grounds, I recieved a call from the agency with some more short-term work, and now am in a part-time placement which I am actually enjoying... and the afternoons are mine! All mine! To paint and read and make and write and go out and explore :)
Which I will....